Intern Chronicles: Twice is nice

Courtney Lyle is making the most of a second internship with ESPN.

While many ESPN interns were busy settling into their new roles in Bristol and other company offices elsewhere, one of them already knew the drill.

Courtney Lyle, a senior at the University of Tennessee majoring in Journalism and Electronic Media with a concentration in Sports Journalism, is a two-time ESPN summer intern working within the Event Production department.

Lyle began the ESPN application process soon after her sophomore year at UT, even though she was not yet eligible.

“Several months after applying I received three calls, three days in a row, telling me I wasn’t eligible, but that they liked my resume,” said Lyle.

“On the fourth day, I got an interview with the Event Production department. When they finally offered me the internship a few weeks later, I was so excited.”

During her sophomore year, Lyle also participated in Campus Connection, a student-generated platform bringing content from campuses around the nation to ESPNU studio shows, game broadcasts and

Her first assignment was working as a sideline reporter for the UT versus Louisiana State University softball game. It was the experience of volunteering with Campus Connection that solidified her interest in working in television.

Lyle earned some experience working for ESPN's Campus Connection.

Lyle’s first summer at ESPN allowed her to work on projects involving the World Cup, Belmont Stakes and on the X Games-centered show, XCenter. This summer, Lyle was asked to return to the department and has since worked on the NBA Draft as well as contributing to colleagues working on Major League Baseball.

“My favorite thing about the internship program is that I am treated like an entry-level employee,” said Lyle. “I’m given tasks that actually mean something and aren’t just busy work.”

As graduation nears, Lyle prepares to take the skills learned at her two summers with ESPN to wherever her path may lead.

“My dream job is to work in a job that I love and can be around sports,” said Lyle. “I don’t know exactly what that is yet, but I know my experience here at ESPN will definitely help me reach that goal.”

For more information on ESPN’s Internship Program, click here.

Editor’s note: Come back to Front Row on Monday for more on ESPN’s Campus Connection.

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