Forward/Rewind: NASCAR/30 for 30

Editor’s Note: With this multi-week series — the Front Row Forward/Rewind, 2014/2013 — ESPN’s Communications Department takes the pulse of content executives throughout ESPN for their views on what’s ahead across ESPN for 2014 and some of what transpired in 2013. The snapshots provide a look at where ESPN has been, where it’s going and how it plans on getting there.


Kate Jackson, ESPN Coordinating Producer
Kate Jackson

Best example of your unit’s teamwork from 2013?
Richmond was a controversial and confusing time for the sport. I was incredibly proud of how many hours our team put into making sure we understood everything that happened, and utilizing every resource we had available to us to explain it to the race fans, after Richmond and before the first Chase race in Chicago.

The “most social” moment of 2013:
It goes back to Richmond. We have some very smart people who work with us and the insight and opinions they gave sparked a lot of discussion in the racing community. It was social media that helped drive our coverage and triggered us to go back and listen to the [driver Clint] Bowyer radio which revealed there was a potential issue.

What element from another ESPN production unit resonated with you most in 2013 and why?
The E:60 feature with Pearl Jam and Steve Gleason was incredibly powerful and moving. A shining example of emotional transportation and great storytelling.


30 for 30

John Dahl, Executive Producer, ESPN Films
John Dahl

What element from another ESPN production unit resonated with you most in 2013 and why?
The work of our newsgathering operation in covering the shocking and tragic Boston Marathon bombings was extraordinary. It was yet another example of their ability to cover what goes beyond the field of play in appropriate and exhaustive fashion.

The “most social” moment of 2013:
LeBron James has been known to watch some of our 30 for 30 offerings. Here’s what I’d call our “most social” moment of the year in response to Youngstown Boys about the rise, fall and rebirth of former Ohio State star running back Maurice Clarett…

What was the best example of your unit’s teamwork from 2013?
Our ESPN Films team partnered with a wide variety of filmmakers to premiere 16 new full-length documentaries in a span of 19 weeks covering three series (30 for 30, Nine for IX and SEC Storied), along with a half-dozen short films during that period as well.

Jay Jay Nesheim contributed to this post

Forward/Rewind logo by Samantha Baron

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