THE LINEUP: 12 of Bucci’s favorite pond hockey pics

Editor’s note: SportsCenter anchor John Buccigross is the people’s champion when it comes to all things hockey, as illustrated by his “#BucciOvertimeChallenges” among other things. He and many of his nearly 200,000 Twitter followers @Buccigross love pond hockey, and here he picks a few of his favorites and explains what stood out to him.

1. What always impressed me is how this scene will be boats, bikinis and water in seven months. It’s impressive how the Earth continually rehabilitates itself.

2. I love the yearning this photo exemplifies. Looking down from a bland, florescent office and onto a canvas of fresh air and natural light.

3. Ode to American Anthem. Sun’s out, guns out. No matter the temperature #VitaminD.

4. This picture is simply the everything.

5. Hockey and skating are exhilarating because they take work. There are obstacles before you can fly and that makes the reward of skating sweeter.

6. Skating on cranberry bogs is assuring because if you fall through, you only get wet to your knees.

7. An ESPN sign makes every backyard rink a palace. #dadada #dadada

8. End of day skates are so earnest and alive. One treasures every second of light. Especially in Alaska.

9. Two things here. Skating at night has a mystical, magical quality. And the proximity of a backyard rink is delicious and empowering.

10. Winter scenes photograph so well because of extraordinary lighting.

11. My guess he is shooting high blocker. Upper 90 where mama hides the thin mints.

12. Alabama Slamma. #unfrozencavemanlawyer

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