Captured on Campus

Stephania Bell MORE Award presentation

Stephania Bell accepting her award from David Teuscher, AAOS President.

(Photo courtesy Kelly King/AAOS)
(Photo courtesy Kelly King/AAOS)

Last night, Stephania Bell, injury analyst and senior writer, was presented with a 2015 MORE Award by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons at the organization’s national conference in Washington, D.C.

Honoring journalists who “demonstrate excellence in accurately reporting on orthopaedics while fostering public awareness of muculoskeletal health issues,” the MORE Award was presented to Bell for her piece “Top injuries to watch for 2013-2014.”

ESPN’s Max Brodsky and Matt McCormick also won a MORE Award for their piece “Wicked Strong.” This was Brodsky’s third MORE Award, while Bell’s honor is the first by an writer.

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