Behind the Glasses: With Rodney Perez

Rodney Perez in the production meeting for the first midnight edition of SportsCenter.  (Joe Faraoni/ESPN Images)
Rodney Perez in the production meeting for the first midnight edition of SportsCenter.
(Joe Faraoni/ESPN Images)

With the Labor Day launch of Scott Van Pelt’s midnight SportsCenter (#SCSVP), Front Row has been running a series of posts bringing fans behind the scenes with Van Pelt and his production team. Stay with Front Row as we take you “Behind the Glasses” and into a new SportsCenter that will present the world of sports through Van Pelt’s distinctive perspective.

Today, we meet director Rodney Perez, who has been with ESPN 12 years.

Hometown/Currently reside: Born and raised Bronx, NY/Fairfield, Conn.

Top 3 teams: Mets, Mets and Amazin’ Mets

In 25 words or less, explain your role on #SCSVP: Lead Director for the SVP show. “Calling the shots” for the production crew, technical crew and talent.

If Stanford Steve were an emoji, he would be: The money sign. It’s all about winners and the moose!

The best thing about working on the launch of a new show is: The creativity we are allowed on this show. We need to think “Out of the Box” and it’s starting to show on air.

In 140 characters or less, my favorite thing about SVP is: His dedication, professionalism and passion. He’s very genuine and 100 percent real even though he doesn’t think Big Pun is a top 5 rapper.

So far, my favorite graphic for the show is: It’s a tie. Spread Alert – ESPN allowed me to put a moose on air.

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