Intern Chronicles: Anthony Barney

Anthony Barney never expected to be at ESPN, yet the Michigan native is a current Production Operations intern at the company’s Bristol, Conn. campus.

Barney, 25, served in the United States Air Force from 2011-2014 and is currently a rising senior at SUNY Oswego where he will soon graduate with a degree in broadcasting and mass communication.

Front Row sat with the Air Force Senior Airman to talk about his ESPN experience.

What did you learn in the Air Force that has helped you in your ESPN internship?
Transferring from the military to an ESPN internship was kind of simple for me due to the core values that you learn in the military. For example, we have a value that is service before self, so coming here I had the idea already that the whole picture was more important than my individual picture. That prepared me in that I’m able to give more and do more than a normal person, so I think that has been a big helping factor. Excellence in all we do is another morale booster that they give us, as well as making sure to put your best foot forward every day, be 15 minutes early and do whatever you need to do to make sure the job gets done.

Why did you decide to take an internship at ESPN?
One of the main reasons I chose ESPN as my internship was the acknowledgement that they pay to veterans, and their coverage of the Warrior Games was a big selling point to me because it shows me that they recognize the sacrifices that others make on a daily basis in the military.

What are your plans post-internship?
I plan on going back to Oswego. I’ll finish directing the women’s hockey and men’s basketball team for that semester, and hopefully I’ll be landing a position within the Production Operations Associate’s Program here at ESPN. My ideal future job would definitely be working here.

What has been your favorite aspect of the internship?
I’ve loved every day of working at ESPN because they make it feel like a family, and I also feel like there’s a slight military structure to it, in that everything is flowing and people are truly accepting of who you are here.

Nicole Caporaso produced the video.

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