Feel Good Friday: Kevin Negandhi and Dave Pasch share the goodness

We can all use some feel-goods these days; Front Row will bring you all the feels, every Friday, through the goodness of familiar ESPN faces

One of the regular Friday highlights now ingrained in SC:AM with Nicole Briscoe and Randy Scott, is a segment called, “Feel Good Friday.” It’s self-explanatory.

Today, the noon ET edition of SportsCenter will again borrow the “FGF” concept to check in with former world-class javelinist James Campbell, the #GardenMarathon guy.

Front Row is expanding on “FGF” goodness every Friday as we put our own spin on the segment by highlighting the “good” being done by familiar faces from around ESPN who are helping to make others – and themselves! – feel good. This week, we visit with Kevin Negandhi and Dave Pasch:

Each day, SportsCenter anchor Kevin Negandhi has been sharing a trio of “best things while we wait” to his Twitter followers, who respond in kind with offerings of what is good in their lives.

When the NBA froze its schedule, Pasch immediately wanted to help others
ESPN play-by-play commentator Dave Pasch inspired fellow broadcasters and Twitter users to help families who lost a source of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

– Shakeemah Simmons-Winter

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