Annually, ESPN recognizes the individuals who have contributed to the company’s success via a year-end credit roll. The tradition began in the early days of the company. What used to take a minute now barely fits in 30.
The 2023 Credit Roll aired after the midnight edition of SportsCenter on Dec. 25 at 1 a.m. ET. The roll features a continual stream of “This is SportsCenter” commercials.
After the thousands of names scroll, a special tribute will be paid to ESPN colleagues we’ve lost in 2023.
Credit Roll Production Team, 2023
Producers: Mike L’Etoile & Andy Koritz
Director/Editor: Lia Griffin
HR Name List Management: Pete McHugh, Abby Gosselin
Edit Support: Lia Griffin, Jessica Foster, Doug Bloom, Stefanie Kocot and Jessica Tucciarone
This is SportsCenter commercials: John Lobo, Lenny Washington, Jon Little
Music: Joanne Strange